Every race in this election matters — ESPECIALLY at the local level. And Kristine Kraus deserves your vote.

Kristine is a mother of four Seminole County Public School graduates. She has always stayed involved in Seminole County, from the day her first son started kindergarten until her last graduated high school. Kristine has been a fearless volunteer working tirelessly on behalf of our students, teachers, and parents.

On Election Day, we need everyone to turn out and vote. Commit to voting for a tireless leader who will never stop showing up for our students and community. Vote for Kristine Kraus by mail ballot or on August 28th.

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Kristine was the survivor of a school shooting, and her story is why she decided to run for school board. Our community needs a leader who will do all she can to make our schools safe, to teach our children well, to provide a living wage for teachers, and to do right by our community so we continue having the highest performing schools in the state.

Days Until Election Day, August 28








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